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one less cup
Bring your own vessel for carrying water. A minimum of 16oz water vessel is required for all ECRS events.
pack it in pack it out

do your part for our enviornment
no trashing our trails
Any athlete being seen littering on our trails will be automatically disqualified. We all make mistakes, if you notice trash on the trails please do your part and properly dispose of it at our aid stations/finish line.
don't tread

stay on trail
leave it the way you found it
All athletes must remain on permitted and marked trails at all times. When stepping off trail to allow athletes to pass use caution and check your foot steps.
recycle up-cycle

it's cool to recycle
REcycling and up cycling available
Our finish line will have recycling and energy gel up-cycling recepticples available. All by recyclable by-products of the event will be properly disposed

buddy up and buckle up
ride share or carpooling encouraged
Please consider using alternate means of transportation to and from the events. Utilizing ride sharing, carpooling, public transportation, or bikes is a great way to help keep our air clean.

handmade in the USA
produced by Elevation culture
Our Finisher medals and awards are made with sustainable materials and produced by athletes by the one and only Elevation Culture.
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